Polyform Clean PR2
Polyform Clean PR2
Low alkaline liquid detergent concentrate with freezing point (-7 ° C)
It is intended for the preparation of aqueous solutions for the purpose of cleaning aluminum steel cast-iron, plastic, stone products from contamination, as well as hardened paint (graffiti, nitro-enamel, PF115 enamel, etc.). Moreover, the cleaning of products takes place by soaking in an aqueous solution with a concentration of 10–12% and a temperature of 18–35 ° C (without heating or with moderate heating) with laminar mixing or without constant mixing. Aqueous solutions means a concentration of 10% provide protection against corrosion upon contact with metals.
Means Polyform Clean PR2 can be used to remove graffiti from building facades (plastic, smooth stone, metal) to remove paint from plastic and metal parts of spray guns and paint loading and storage tanks (cars, collections, storages, buckets, etc.) . Especially advisable is the use of Polyform Clean PR2 for washing resin and oil contaminants from aluminum parts of auto-moto equipment (turbines, engines, etc.) as well as de-preserving parts without heating and constant mixing.
Also, aqueous solutions of the medium concentration (5-15%) can be used to clean the fuel injectors and glow plugs from resinous compounds and soot.